17. Januar 2020

Iran Flight PS 752 crash: Was a Pantsir System involved?

  Iran/world Still important are the findings in this artikle https://logik-idee.com/2020/01/16/iran-plane-crash-ps-572-a-terror-attack-what-caused-last-explosion-4-seconds-before-plane-crash/ Then in a discussion I got a helpfull link in the forum here https://www.heise.de/forum/Telepolis/Kommentare/Ukrainische-Maschine-wurde-von-zwei-Raketen-getroffen/Hallo-Korrektur-der-Raketenanzahl-DREI/thread-6244346/page-2/#posting_35952797 So […]
1. Januar 2020

Spain, pool, 3 drowned: Facts about „pool drain accidents“ and „pool electric accidents“

Planet earth,  01.01.2020 1. Search everywhere, where on earth ever happened for technical reasons a pool accident with more than one dead person without it having […]