Fall Leon Apler: Flasche des Vaters wirklich „Tatwaffe“? Hat Vater gelogen aber nicht gemordet? Leons Vater wohl wegen WIDERSPRÜCHEN im Gefängnis, die er sich selbst zuzuschreiben hat, aber das beweist noch nicht Mord
9. März 2023
Dirk Brünker tot: MORD jetzt wahrscheinlich, oder wieder verrücktes staatsanwaltliches Suizid-Geschwätz, an das man erinnert ist bei Julia W., Nicola Bulley, Yolanda Klug , Rosi Strohfus, Nico Santoro und und und
10. März 2023Police responded to: „NOT BY CAR. Abduction of Mikelle Biggs by a present burglar(/intruder/visitor/person) in the vacant house (holidays) „917 Toltec“ is the key to the case. ….“
Now I got this relativly friendly reaction:
My answer is:
Thank you, I appreciate your detailed answer as far as the investigation allows. I can also communicate confidentially, but I think that it is in your interest to be able to publish a „counter-statement“ here and then it can of course remain in this form.
Even if I’m wrong, I don’t do any harm if you are also heard.
You read my text superficially and misinterpreted it.
I have never suspected the rightful occupants and never a common burglar and do not want it to be understood that Dee Blalock has any connection with the occupants of this house.
But my suspicion is that there is a person who had keys and could control circumstances like the dog and the padlock. A contact of this person to Dee Blalock and thus his complicity is possible, but not absolutely necessary.
Please read the whole thing again, it’s very easy, because I’ll leave it online for you.
In particular, I would like to point out that my location information on the bike refers exactly to Kimber’s original statements in the media. It was released there in front of an audience of millions.
Did you also get in touch there and asked for a correction from the original witness?
Later I wrote this second E-Mail:
I) Since the first moment I heard about Mikelle Biggs I knew:
1. This abduction was NOT committed by car.
2. The key to understandig is House 917 Toltec.
II) Then I realized additionally:
3. Not luck characterizes the crime, but an optimal secret observation point, to also see Kimber’s actions as well.
4. And how Dee Blalock combined burglary, rape and murder.
III) The only alternative to this is:
Because …
1. House „917 Toltec“ and
2. the timing and a hidden observation location to respond the same second Kimber lost visual contact
… were so crucial for the crime, the only alternative would be the following scenario with a neighbor and a (secret) key for the empty house:
(The following picture explains this, you can enlarge it with a klick )
This alternative would include again necessarily
1. „917 Toltec“ in the center of the crime,
2. a perfect observation location across the street
3. and unlawfull entry.
Keep this in mind, but it is less likely, so let us focus now on a „rape-burglar“ like Dee Blalock
But an abduction by car is here not even an alternative scenario!!!
IV) PROOF that public opinion about a car is wrong:
1. Picture of location and
2. transcript of Kimber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wufg6JWNBgA
Missing dog-track refutes assumption of an escape to the location of the coins, because „50 feet“ (between bike and last coin) does not fit to the information, that the dogs lost the scent after „a few feet“.
IF Mikelle could have escaped in the direction of her home and on this way lost the coins before she was captured again, THEN the dogs would surely have shown the trace where she ran.
The assumption of the police that the coins indicate that she ran away, is proven wrong.
At 4:40 the police says it in their own words…
I can proof, police is wrong here.
First some screenshots and facts, then the argumentation:
Location of the coins:
Location of the bike:
Location of the Dog trace
Combination and argumentation
V) Additional clues that house „917 Toltec“ was the crime scene
1.) In addition, if Mikelle could have run 50 feet, she would have had plenty of time to scream so loud and for so long that a perpetrator would flee in the middle of the street. Because otherwise he would have had to bring her back to his car.
2.) Under hypnosis, witness Kimber herself recalled noticing a person in house „917 Toltec“ closing the door. That confirms my thoughts enormously
VI) Dee Blalock: Attempted murder and sex offender during burglary
VII) Dee Blalock: Pretended being a „Caretaker“
VIII) Burglary during Holiday absence implies insider knowledge. Was an other „Caretaker“ involved?
In the house „917 Toltec“ two old ladies were living in 1999 but during the crime against Mikelle they were in holiday absence.
A house and two old ladies? There could be a „caretaker“ be involved. If a burglary during the holiday absence of the ladies happens, the question is if the burglars hat insider knowledge.
A „caretaker“ like Dee Blalock could abuse such insider knowledge for a crime.
But if Dee Blalock was not the „caretaker“ at „917 Toltec“, was there an other „caretake“ who could be involved in the crime TOGETHER with Dee Blalock?
If not only Dee Blalock was involved, there would be a bigger chance solving the crime, more chance for investigation.
May be in such a combination, it was not even „burglary“, but some kind of „house-sitting“ and Blalock and the other „caretaker“ entered with a key?
This does not has to mean, that there was a order/contract for housesitting, but just a key or a secret key and an excuse of „doing something good for free“ if being caught.
In any way we know that no brute force was used at the door, may be a key, may be picking.)
IX) Check the backyard, also beneath stones etc.
The body of Mikelle could have been brought away by car, but also she could still be buried in the backyard, even beneath stones etc.
Especially if a „caretaker“ would be involved, he could later propose work and offer cheap or for free as a „bonus“ some kinds of „improvements“, that secretly and without the owners being aware, would help to hide the crime and the grave (Concrete? Bushes? Plants? Stones? …)
Police has to check and question all people living and working there since that time.
X) Think to precautions
If a search with dogs was done, do it again and think to precautions that could have been done to make the dogs work more difficult (pepper, other chemicals in the house, plastic bags, concrete etc. in the garden.
Especially if a „caretaker“ would be involved, he could later propose a lot, that would „help“ …….. especially himself.
XI) Summary
The crime against Mikelle was committed without much planning, prompted by an initial opportunity that arose from Mikelle’s presence and another opportunity that arose from Kimber’s absence.
The time-frame for this was so short that coincidence cannot be assumed and a kidnapping with a car can be ruled out due to the relation between the place where the bicycle was found, the place where the coins were found and a dog track that did not match.
Mikelle Biggs wasn’t at the spot where the coins were found and her feet didn’t touch the ground when she opened her hand during the fight and the coins were thrown aside.
Mikelle was taken to the 917 Toltec home, that home was not checked on the night of the crime because no one opend the door.
And if it was later checked then the perpetrators took better precautions than the police and their dogs realised.
It is unclear whether Mikelle was buried in the garden or taken away from the property.
A burglary with damage is not to be assumed, but a secret intrusion, which should not even be noticed, whether with a legal or illegal key or picking.
I’m assuming something where an intruder, if caught, would have pleaded that he was just checking things out, like a house sitter.
The question is whether Blalock had insider knowledge and contact with the residents at the time or whether there was another caretaker who had the insider knowledge.
If you couldn’t solve the case with Blalock alone, there are two other chances: An insider like a caretaker or helper from „917 Toltec“ was an accomplice or you can find Mikelle’s body in the garden.

Klaus Fejsa
"Kriminalistischer Mitdenker: Klaus F. hatte auch im Tötungsfall Michelle eine entscheidende Idee, die anfangs niemand ernst nahm, sich letztendlich jedoch als richtig herausstellte." .......
Südwest-Presse Artikel am 19.10.2012