Case Rachel Morin MISTAKES: Sailor in a hostel during land term, this is the most likely explanation for ALL
5. September 2023
9. September 2023Missy Bevers: „Geological hammer“ and „ABOVE knee prosthesis“ as results of new high end analysis show 7 years of nonsens in all publication, so bow down.
Argumentation for a above knee prosthesis in these two videos
Argumentation for a geological rock hammer that can inflict „punkture wounds“ in this video.
And be aware: I mean a rare geological rock hammer, and NOT a „lath hammer“, that is so common that the insight would be worth nothing.
With a rock hammer you can also inflict „PUNCTURE wounds“

Klaus Fejsa
"Kriminalistischer Mitdenker: Klaus F. hatte auch im Tötungsfall Michelle eine entscheidende Idee, die anfangs niemand ernst nahm, sich letztendlich jedoch als richtig herausstellte." .......
Südwest-Presse Artikel am 19.10.2012
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30. September 2022