Spain, pool, 3 drowned: Facts about „pool drain accidents“ and „pool electric accidents“
1. Januar 2020
Iran Flight PS 752 crash: Was a Pantsir System involved?
17. Januar 2020
Spain, pool, 3 drowned: Facts about „pool drain accidents“ and „pool electric accidents“
1. Januar 2020
Iran Flight PS 752 crash: Was a Pantsir System involved?
17. Januar 2020

USA – Iran : I think, Damaskus will be the sign, before New York City, UNO and Wall Street will be destroyed.

For a long time allready,  I told about this to the world.
Now we got very near to the situation, that I expected for years but I simply didnt know on excactly  which date it will happen.
We get nearer, but still today, who in the world except me is allready thinking to this point, to the destruction of Damascus with bunker-bursting tactical nuclear weapons like B61-12, what I think will be the last to happen before  New York City will be destroyed and a new aera beginns.



Klaus Fejsa
Klaus Fejsa
"Kriminalistischer Mitdenker: Klaus F. hatte auch im Tötungsfall Michelle eine entscheidende Idee, die anfangs niemand ernst nahm, sich letztendlich jedoch als richtig herausstellte." ....... Südwest-Presse Artikel am 19.10.2012

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